Tuesday, September 4, 2012

My First Time

Yes, this is my first time. My first time to blog. I set this page up 2 years ago to post funny things my son says, but I'm kind of lazy. I think about blogging, quite often, but after I get all my thoughts lined out in my head, they kind of drift away and I can't remember what I was going to say. That's a really long sentence. See, I've already started to drift away. It's been real slow at work, so I've been reading various blogs. You know how it is, you read someone's blog, and then you see another link and you follow it. Next thing you know, you're 4 blogs removed. Today I read about Matt, Liz & Madeline. That was hard. It made me appreciate my family and my sweet 4.5 month old baby boy. It put things in perspective for me, and that's a good thing. I get depressed, often, and I have lots of pity parties for myself. Sometimes it's hard for me to feel emotion, so reading about someone else's sadness made me really snap out of my depression today.

See how lazy I am? I started this last night, and almost 24 hours later I'm sitting down to finish. So, back to not feeling emotion. I know what that stems from, but it's a long story for another day. I read some more about Matt & Madeline today. She's 14 weeks old and so cute. She looks just like her mother. Reading about how full their life is, even after suffering such a great loss, really inspires me to be more spontaneous. I wonder if anyone is ever going to read this?